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Install The ReInvestWealth App

Updated: Feb 18

The App

The ReInvestWealth App is a Progressive Web App, a new technology that delivers an app directly through the web. The ReInvestWealth app is available for download on all platforms directly from our website.

We recommend installing the app on your android or iOS device to quickly take pictures of your receipts and manage your finances on the go. The app is not available on the app stores but getting the app is easy.

How To Download The ReInvestWealth App


For iPhone, scan the QR code from the above video to open our Web App on Safari. Tap the share icon at the bottom of your screen, scroll down and tap "Add to Home Screen". Now you'll see the RIW app on your iPhone.


For Android, scan the QR code from the above video to open our Web App on Chrome. Tap the 3 dots at the top right of your screen and tap "Add to Home Screen". Now you'll see the RIW app on your android phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ReInvestWealth app exist on the app stores?

Not yet, however the app is available directly from our website. The ReInvestWealth app is available for download on all platforms.

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

Progressive Web App (a.k.a. PWA), is a type of web app that can be installed on a device as a standalone application, similar to apps from the app store. PWAs are installed using the device's web browser and only takes a few seconds to do.

Is it required to download the ReInvestWealth app?

As a cloud company, the app is completely optional to download and is not required to use our software. The purpose of the app is to improve user experience by providing a better mobile experience.

Will the app receives update?

Yes. The Web App regularly and automatically receives updates, just like the website version. There is no user intervention to update the app.

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